Coventry ladies kennel association
Chribanna atreyu for bellebox
2nd avnsc puppy
Bellebox top trick
1st avnsc junior Best avnsc wg4
Worcester & malvern canine open show
judge sheena booth
Chribanna atreyu for bellebox
1st avnsc puppy, Best avnsc, Best avnsc puppy, wpg4
Bellebox top trick
1st avnsc junior
Merseyside boxer club open show
special puppy event
judge kian pellow
Bellebox aurora
3rd 6-8 months bitch
Chribanna atreyu for bellebox
2nd 6-8 months dog
Bellebox top trick
3rd 12-15months bitch
open show
judge phyllis borrelli
bellebox aurora
3rd mpb
Chribanna atreyu for bellebox
1st mpd
Bellebox top trick
3rd junior bitch
Midland boxer champ show
judge alice robinson
Bellebox top trick
vhc junior bitch
Scottish boxer club open show
judge stewart copeland
Bellebox aurora
4th mpb
Cribanna atreyu for bellebox
1st mpd
Bellebox top trick
1st junior bitch
south wales boxer club champ show
bitch Judge steve gething
Bellebox top trick
2nd junior bitch
dog judge graham mullis
Chribanna atreyu for bellebox
5th puppy dog
Essex and eastern boxer club champ show
bitch judge fearn pynegar
Bellebox top trick
4th junior bitch
Mancunian boxer champ show
bitch judge linda naslund
Bellebox top trick
4th junior bitch
Northern boxer club champ show
judge Tommy dahlstroem
Bellebox top trick
3rd junior bitch
Merseyside boxer club champ show
Bellebox Aurora
2nd Minor puppy bitch
Bellebox top trick
2nd junior bitch
W&P breeds of wales
judge tom
Bellebox Aurora
1st minor puppy bitch
Bellebox top trick
3rd junior bitch
Chribanna atreyu for bellebox
5th puppy dog
judge julie brown
Bellebox auror
3rd minor puppy bitch
Bellebox top issue
2nd SBB
Chribanna atreyu for bellebox
5th puppy dog
T.W&T champ show
judge bitches desnie pye
bellebox aurora
2nd novice bitch
Bellebox top trick
4th junior bitch
dog judge steve gething
Chribanna atreyu for bellebox
3rd novice dog
Birmingham national champ show
judge Liz rallings
Chribanna Atreyu for Bellebox
1st puppy dog
judge sandra carter
Chribanna Atreyu for Bellebox
3rd puppy dog
Scottish boxer club champ show
mathius wolf
Chribanna Atreyu for Bellebox
5th puppy dog
Bellebox top trick
2nd yearling bitch